Studio Alexandra Jolly

French independent product designer and design system specialist.

Who am I?

I am Alexandra, a self-taught product designer and front-end developer.

My interest in web design sparked in my teenage years, when I started creating websites related to my favourite games and activities.

In 2014, I moved to Bordeaux for my studies, pursuing a two-year degree in technology (DUT MMI), during which I collaborated on various projects with my classmates.

A noteworthy project was Prestapic, a pioneering service similar to Unsplash, addressing the difficulty of finding royalty-free images for design purposes.

At the same time we worked on Nameless, an anonymous chat platform that emerged from one of our university's hackathon. We later developed a mobile version in which users could specify their location radius to find conversation partners.

In 2016, I co-founded TidyCards with a classmate, an app to organise and format lists of links. Although many of my earlier projects are now discontinued, I keep refining and polishing this one on my spare time while delving into back-end development.

In October 2016 I joined Schoolab, a mission-driven company that helps its partners and clients to develop their activities in ways that promote diversity and positive social and environmental outcomes.

My role within the product team has evolved over the years at Schoolab. Initially a UI designer and front-end developer I became a product designer and accessibility referent within the SL Group.

What is my speciality?

With my experience accumulated over years on white label SaaS products and my front-end knowledge, I can offer you solutions that are adapted to your objectives and technical constraints.

I specialise in the creation and implementation of design systems, components and in the advanced prototyping of your products, to use them in user tests and interviews.

I pay particular attention to the accessibility and inclusion of the products I work on, as well as the interaction elements.

My work experience

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.